Feminism Is Not What We Think It Is

Feminism Is Not What We Think It Is

Modern feminism is not what we think it is.

It’s a movement to free women from male dominance and inequality, right?

In history, we read of courageous suffrage fighters spending time in jail, starving themselves, and being beaten and mocked as these female fighters created opportunities for future women to vote in elections, work a job, have equal pay, and be viewed as an equal of their male counterparts.  Today, the battle has evolved from one of equality to a war on masculinity and a fight to crush biblical womanhood.

What changed?  

Feminists today are very different from the original equality fighters.  Today, women such as Cardi B. or Emma Watson, are the modern-day feminists who fight for abortion rights and “reproductive justice”.  Modern feminism is no longer fighting for equality.  Justice and equality for women has mostly been attained in America.  Now, feminism has evolved into a greater social agenda to degrade both men and women and their respective roles in the family.

Original Feminism

Susan B. Anthony is the founder of feminism.  She was deeply influenced by Quaker beliefs that all people are equal under God, regardless of gender.  Susan and several of her seven siblings grew up to be activists for social justice and the abolition of slavery.  

Susan was fearless in her speaking engagements and demonstrations all over America.  She appeared at every Congress between the years 1869-1906, working for suffrage rights.   She even illegally voted in the 1872 presidential election as part of her advocacy for women’s equal rights.

Susan never saw the fruits of her tireless work: women were given voting rights in the 19th Amendment in 1920, 14 years after her death.

How Original Feminism Compares to Present-Day Feminism

1 Abortion

Susan B. Anthony staunchly opposed abortion and believed that the male dominance of that time was forcing women to have abortions.  Whether or not her view regarding male dominance is completely true, she took a hard stand against murdering unborn children.  

She even wrote, “When a woman destroys the life of her unborn child, it is a sign that, by education or circumstances, she has been greatly wronged.”

Today, feminism accepts and promotes abortion, urging young women to throw away the lives of millions of precious children.  It is an atrocity of hellish proportions, and many of the original feminists would have been horrified to see how their movement spiraled down into such a degrading worldview.

What is Identity Socialism?

Want to read more?  Check out “What Is Identity Socialism”!

2 Christianity

Many women during first-wave feminism were wives, mothers, and Christians.

Lucretia Mott, another suffragette during Susan B. Anthony’s time, wrote,

 “It is time that Christians were judged more by their likeness to Christ than their notions of Christ.  Were this sentiment generally admitted we should not see such tenacious adherence to what men deem the opinions and doctrines of Christ while at the same time in every day practise is exhibited anything but a likeness to Christ.”

Modern feminism disregards Christianity as oppressive.  Modern feminism labels masculinity “toxic”, urges women to stop having children, scorns women who embrace the life of homemaker, and destroys the family.  The family is central to Christianity, thereby making modern-day feminism anti-Christian.

3 Equality 

The whole focus of classical feminism was to give women equal rights.  Their goal was not to demasculinize men but to simply be treated as an equal.

Today, radical feminism seeks to label men as toxic and, in a way, “bring men down to their [ladies’] level”.  This is not making us equals.  It is erasing God-given gender lines.

The “Everyday Sexism” website even urges girls to submit (horrifying) stories of sexual abuse or badly misbehaved men.  I am saddened by sexual abuse and believe it should be reported.  But where is the website where women can join groups to praise their husbands or build each other up as wives?  There are very few arenas where women can take pride in their husbands or boyfriends but rather are encouraged to verbally degrade them.

This constant demonization of real men has erased the once strong American man and replaced him with an effeminate, weak, emotional hybrid of the sexes.

The Harm Feminism Has Done

Susan B. Anthony and her fellow fighters would be mortified to see what feminism has become today.  No longer are feminists the well-dressed and well-mannered (though firm and unmoving) women who campaigned for voting rights and equal treatment in the workplace.

Today, it is vicious, angry women who are more concerned with race and sexual orientation than equal rights.  

Third-wave feminism created a radical movement in what was once a decent movement.

In their book Cynical Theories, James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose write,

“As the influence of applied postmodernism crept into feminism, however, the focus switched from material disadvantages within social structures like law, economics and politics to the oppressive nature of discourse” and went on to focus on gender (as opposed to biological sex), social constructs, power constructs, and identity, rather than equality for a class of people.

We see this shift in a Q&A that APA.org did with several young women who identified as feminists.  When asked, “Does feminism need redefinition?”, one participant replied that the movement needs “ to move in a direction that’s helpful for all women, regardless of race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation and so forth.  Historically, feminism has been perceived as a white, heterosexual, middle-class movement.  Many of us want to see it broadened.”

Do you see the switch that occurs?  Original feminism fought for equality.  Modern-day feminism fights against “white, heterosexual, middle-class” [i.e. Western] civilization.  Modern-day feminism is toxic.

The American feminist movement, according to Charlie Kirk, “has created weak men and angry women.” 

And he is right.

Modern feminism has victimized women and taught women to use their victimhood to destroy masculine men.  


Susan B. Anthony would be shocked and mortified that feminism… her movement… has become a blurring of boundaries and that the sexes are now seen as power constructions and dominant discourses (Cynical Theories).

God gave us biological sex, and we ought to embrace that and the gifts and challenges it brings.  It is nothing to be ashamed of.

I believe that if Susan B. Anthony could see women’s rights today, she would think her work was done.  Why?  Because women do have equality with men in all levels of society.  Women make different choices in terms of education, career choice, and time spent at a job, which affects their pay level, but overall, they start at the same point that men start at and have every opportunity to succeed just as much as those men.

“The liberal focus on removing the social significance of identity categories – that is, the legal and social requirements to comply with gender, class, or race expectations – seeks to refine the legacies of the Enlightenment project and the civil rights movements” and “many liberal feminists believed their work would be largely done once women gained legal equality with men and had control over their own reproductive choices…” (Cynical Theories).

Feminism has changed into something that seeks to switch women into men and demonizes men by changing them into women.  This creates an odd, interwoven, illogical process that confuses everyone.


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