What Happens at Universities Doesn’t Stay There

You hear a lot of parents say it.  “Oh, whatever my kid does at college stays at college.”  

“Oh… they’re just sowing their wild oats.  They’ll grow out of it when they get a real job.”  

“Life’s going to hit them, so let ‘em have some fun while they can.”

So maybe the partying scenes at college stays at school (although that doesn’t always seem to be the case).

But the philosophical side of college?  The ideologies taught in college?  These do not stay at college.  The student carries these beliefs with him or her throughout the rest of his or her life.  And we are seeing the effects of it now as the Millennials (and the upcoming Generation Z) begin to make a footprint on our culture.

In fact, a Daily Signal article states that “Experts expect millennials and Generation Z to make up 37% of the electorate this year.  They expect Gen Z to surpass the so-called Silent Generation for the first time.”

It’s A Delusion That College Is All About Education

I’ve heard so many students say things like, “I didn’t care about my classes when I went to college.  I just wanted my dorm room to look pretty!”

One college student who I knew was given a healthy “allowance” by his parents, and then he overran his credit card limit and drank himself silly all through college.  All for “higher education”.

But the party scene is one of the least of America’s worries right now.  As universities churn more students out of the system, stats are showing the students are increasingly woke and leftist when they leave college.

Critical Race Theory is rampant on university campuses, teaching students that American history is radical, white people are inherently racist, and science and objective reasoning are oppressive.

Of course, students are young and impressionable.  Most adults hear statements about Critical Theory, and they roll their eyes and think it will all go away when their kids get out of college.  Those ideas are not sustainable in real life, after all!

But they are living well beyond college years.

In Heather Mac Donald’s book The Diversity Delusion, she discusses how the “toxic ideas first spread by higher education have undermined humanistic values, fueled intolerance, and widened divisions in our larger culture.”

Diversity trainings, safe spaces, and punishment of “politically incorrect” employees in corporate America has become commonplace.

What is Critical Race Theory?

Want to read more?  Read “What Is Critical Race Theory?”

Leftist Ideologies From College Campuses Are Leaking Into The Culture

As James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose say in their book Cynical Theories, “Unlike Vegas, what happens in the university doesn’t stay in the university.  Universities are cultural centers, research institutes, and halls of education” (emphasis original).

Lindsay and Mac Donald explain that corporations exist not to debate philosophies but to make money, which explains why they give in to the woke ideas of the young, radical business professionals joining the ranks.

The protests that have exploded in popularity on college campuses are now being seen in the Black Lives Matter protests and ANTIFA protests as adults swell the ranks.

Dennis Prager puts it bluntly by saying, “When you send your child to college, you are not just playing Russian roulette with their values.  You are playing Russian roulette with their character and the way they will treat you.”

Don’t Just Go To College Because Your Parents Told You So

Charlie Kirk, founder of Turning Point USA, urges students all over America, “Ask yourself the question, ‘why am I going to college,’ not ‘where am I going to college,’” (Breitbart).

If you are getting ready to head to college, question yourself.  Are you going because you want to be an engineer or lawyer or doctor?  Then college is a good choice for you.  Those professions need intense training before you are ready to enter those fields. 

But if you are going to study South African poetry or simply “because your parents told you to go”, college may not be a good fit.  College is an individual choice, not a one-size-fits-all.

There is no fairy godmother to tell you what your choice should be, but as a young person, your whole life is before you.  And if you attend a radical, leftist college, your values will easily change.  If you do decide to attend college, perhaps consider a more conservative college like Hillsdale or Liberty University.

The woke ideology perpetuated on college campuses has grown to a breaking point, and people are beginning to stand upChristopher Rufo launched a legal coalition to advance “anti-discrimination complaints through the courts,” and Critical Race Training In Education (CriticalRace.org) was recently launched to track where Critical Race Theory is being taught in America’s universities.


The world needs more young entrepreneurs, young business people, and young people whose minds have not been twisted by the woke ideology that so many college campuses embrace.

I attended college for a business degree, so I am not condemning college degrees.  However, I did college a little differently compared to most people.  I attended Liberty University Online and worked a job all through college while living at home.  If you’re in college and have the option of a relationship with your parents, stay in close touch with your parents – they have wisdom to help you through the questions you will have.  Listen to guidance from mentors and older people.  

College can be a good (and even necessary) option depending on your profession, so if you desire to go to college, go for it, but be smart and take precautions.

Think critically about what your professors are saying.  Racism isn’t “baked into America”, and not all white people are racist.  Listen to conservative podcasts, like Dave Rubin and Charlie Kirk and stay in the Word of God.

The young generation of America can turn the country around if we reject the Leftist university propaganda.  

What happens at college doesn’t stay at college.  So don’t take the wokeness sitting down.

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